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Articles: Mrs D's Blog

Here Lotta Dann writes on topics inspired by discussions taking place within the Living Sober community, and on themes that arise for her as she moves through her own sober life.

Guts and bravery

Mrs D's Blog

Sometimes I worry that I’m repeating myself with all the writing that I do on addiction and recovery.

June 5, 2019

A powerful observation

Mrs D's Blog

I go on a lot about brain-retraining in early sobriety… how we need to really embrace the reality of a sober life by actively working inside our grey-matter to turn our thinking around.

May 28, 2019

You're not a bad person, you're addicted....

Mrs D's Blog

….but the problem is, if you let yourself down often enough, break promises you’ve made to yourself constantly and often act in a manner you wish you wouldn’t – you do start to believe that you are shit.

April 16, 2019

How do you move on from the need to escape?

Mrs D's Blog

Someone once asked me: “How do you move on from that need to escape your feelings by soaking yourself in wine?” Here’s the answer: With great bloody difficulty.

April 2, 2019

A step along the recovery pathway

Mrs D's Blog

This guest post on relapse comes from treasured community member @daveh.

March 16, 2019

Why I Love Being Sober

Mrs D's Blog

I love being sober because I never have to waste any emotional energy worrying about how much booze I sank last night, or physical energy healing my body after yet another wine binge.

March 11, 2019

These are my intentions for today

Mrs D's Blog

Today I am not going to shy away from anything that is happening to me.

February 13, 2019

Never underestimate the power of Sober Treats

Mrs D's Blog

When I first quit drinking there were two main new habits (or tools) that I embraced early on to help with my recovery.

January 31, 2019

Your own brain will lie to you.

Mrs D's Blog

When I first quit alcohol it felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff staring into a black abyss (that abyss being an alcohol-free life).

January 11, 2019


Mrs D's Blog

A couple of years ago I did a deep dive into Mindfulness.

December 23, 2018