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Articles: Mrs D's Blog

Here Lotta Dann writes on topics inspired by discussions taking place within the Living Sober community, and on themes that arise for her as she moves through her own sober life.


Mrs D's Blog

Visualisation was a really powerful tool for me early on.

February 8, 2020

Sober is a sparkly word

Mrs D's Blog

Someone was trying to tell me the other day that ‘sober’ is a negative word with staid and boring connotations.

November 15, 2019

Let yourself soar

Mrs D's Blog

I can vividly remember the morning of my last hangover, standing in the kitchen with my throbbing head, messy hair, dry mouth, miserable face and deep overwhelming guilt.

October 15, 2019

Happy, proud and satisfied

Mrs D's Blog

I had one of those classic ‘couldn’t do this if I was still boozing’ parenting moments the other day.

October 7, 2019

Behind Closed Doors...

Mrs D's Blog

That’s where most of my boozing went on in the latter years.

September 13, 2019


Mrs D's Blog

Soberversaries are a mixed bag.

September 5, 2019

Not caring what other people think

Mrs D's Blog

[image id="2915" alt="text: "what other people think of me is none of my business"" width="1024" height="683"] One of my biggest fears when I stopped drinking was how other people would take the new sober me.

August 21, 2019

Learning to understand ourselves

Mrs D's Blog

I knew after I stopped drinking that if I was going to be genuinely at peace with being sober, I needed to retrain my brain.

August 8, 2019

How did I quit and stay quit?

Mrs D's Blog

People often ask me, how did I do it?

July 24, 2019

Bravery comes in all forms

Mrs D's Blog

We talk a lot about bravery here at Living Sober.

June 18, 2019