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Articles: Mrs D's Blog

Here Lotta Dann writes on topics inspired by discussions taking place within the Living Sober community, and on themes that arise for her as she moves through her own sober life.

Lockdown perfect conditions for sobriety

Mrs D's Blog

No-one would choose the conditions of a pandemic lockdown to help with getting sober, but in some ways finding ourselves in this position again might actually be helpful if you’re trying to kick the drink.

August 18, 2021

"This isn't the real you."

Mrs D's Blog

========== Me: I need your help.

July 3, 2021

Anonymous confessional

Mrs D's Blog

=========== 1: When I was drinking, I used to blackout.

June 27, 2021

Sobriety is...

Mrs D's Blog

Boozing is living a wild, crazy, blurry, detached and numbed-out life that is sometimes fun and sometimes sad and sometimes downright miserable (when you get to where I was with my boozing).

June 13, 2021

We didn't know we were missing...

Mrs D's Blog

Someone wrote in the Members Feed recently; “this sober lark is just the best thing ever”.

May 9, 2021

What 'having boundaries' means to me

Mrs D's Blog

It’s such a loaded word ‘boundaries’.

April 25, 2021

Tell us what you think

Mrs D's Blog

We currently are running a survey to find out what visitors to Living Sober site think about our site.

March 24, 2021

The Fear

Mrs D's Blog

The biggest thing I always want to say when asked about my sobriety is that living alcohol-free is not the boring-ass disaster I feared it would be.

February 8, 2021

20 reasons to love hangover free weekends

Mrs D's Blog

Oh how I love waking up on a Saturday or Sunday with no hangover.

January 21, 2021

Feeling all the feels...

Mrs D's Blog

Make no bones about it.

January 9, 2021