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Articles: Mrs D's Blog

Here Lotta Dann writes on topics inspired by discussions taking place within the Living Sober community, and on themes that arise for her as she moves through her own sober life.

Things I love about being sober

Mrs D's Blog

I love that most nights I sleep very deeply for many hours.

March 7, 2022

Managing stress in a tense world (Ask An Expert)

Interviews Mrs D's Blog

The below interview is with Karen Nimmo, Clinical Psychologist and author.

February 18, 2022

Home isolation for sober people

Mrs D's Blog

While different countries are at various stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, here in New Zealand we are experiencing an Omicron wave that is seeing the virus spread around our community like never before.

February 16, 2022

Living Sober Evaluation Results

Mrs D's Blog

Earlier this year the independent evaluation company, Cogo, were engaged by the New Zealand Drug Foundation, who manage Living Sober, to carry out an evaluation of our site.

December 16, 2021

Things WE have discovered in sobriety (our members speak)

Mrs D's Blog

After publishing my list of 13 things I have discovered in sobriety, I asked members of our community here at Living Sober to submit some of the things they themselves have discovered or realised since they quit drinking.

November 10, 2021

13 things I have discovered in sobriety

Mrs D's Blog

Negative emotions suck and cause discomfort, but sitting with them and feeling them 100% in the raw helps immensley in understanding them and getting over them quicker.

November 7, 2021

Am I a boring sober loser?

Mrs D's Blog

That’s our biggest fear when we quit drinking isn’t it … that other people are going to think we are boring sober losers who are to be avoided at all costs.

October 5, 2021

Best online tribe of sober warriors in the world!

Mrs D's Blog

I love our Living Sober community.

September 24, 2021

Learnings from 10 years of sobriety

Mrs D's Blog

Today I am 10 years sober!

September 6, 2021

Telling on your inner addict

Mrs D's Blog

No, not the TV show – the one in your head trying to convince you to drink.

August 30, 2021