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'Future Me' Poem

October 30th, 2022 Guest Posts

man sitting at window

This poem was sent in by the lovely Finn Devlin. She says she wrote it for everyone who is questioning their relationship with alcohol and is on a journey towards sobriety. Enjoy.


Oh hey future me! What’s it like being you?

You’re the picture of health, all shiny and new.

What a true transformation; You can hold your head high.

You know who you are and no longer ask why.


You have taken each day, just one at a time.

You prayed for the patience to tackle the climb.

You questioned beliefs that were flawed and contrived.

You honoured the calling to feel more alive.


There were days you fell down; only able to crawl;

feeling anxious and exiled, your back to the wall.

Conniving and cruel was the crutch in your hand;

It was keeping you stuck when you needed to stand.


In the small hours of darkness, resentment and dread

you felt lonely and scared as you lay in your bed.

Tormented by thoughts, that would not go to sleep,

of promises broken you swore you would keep.


An intrusion of shame, with fear and remorse;

you were captured and chained by this dominant force.

Mourning for memories that never seen light.

Moments forgotten, now lost in the night.


Consciousness told you that things had to change.

You accepted that life might feel awkward and strange

but that knowing and trusting yourself was the key

to becoming the warrior you were yearning to be.


So you built your defences to conquer the pain.

You raised your umbrella and walked in the rain.

You prepared for the voyage and discovered your voice;

dipping your toes in the waters of choice.


You were vulnerable, brave and determined to find

the power within that would alter your mind.

With compass in hand you explored a new way

to live a full life that got better each day.


The journey was long, a gradual rise

to treasures and blessings that opened your eyes.

And once you saw clearly where you truly belonged

you took a deep breath and sang a new song.


Your courageous heart can now beat to the drum

of the hurt and the hardship you know will still come.

But to feel and accept it, you’re rising above

with truth and endurance, compassion and love.


Today you embrace the life you now live.

With gratitude and grace you are eager to give

and, by sharing your story, you are shining a light

so the others, that follow, may see what’s in sight.


Hey future me, are you proud of yourself?

You found purpose, potential, joy and good health.

Your desire for difference and change came to be.

You have fought the great fight; you have set yourself free.


By Fionnuala B. Devlin

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