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Articles: Guest Posts

When sober gets old

Guest Posts

This guest post comes from my dear friend @suek.

December 3, 2015

A special Christmas gift

Guest Posts

The Silly Season is fast approaching and already there are rumblings in the Members Feed about what a difficult time of year it is for us sober people.

November 6, 2015

It's never too late to grow up

Guest Posts

We are very fortunate that the lovely @suek has written another exceptional guest post for us.

August 29, 2015

Bread and Alcohol

Guest Posts

Today’s guest post comes from Bren Murphy who writes the blog Last 100 Days Alcoholic.

July 19, 2015

A year ago today

Guest Posts

Today marks one year since my big TV ‘outing’ as an alcoholic in recovery.

June 22, 2015

There is no downside

Guest Posts

Member @ylang-ylang posted this update in the Members Feed the other day and many of us thought it was so fantastic it needed to be featured here as a guest post… ========== @ylang-ylang: I haven’t got a story or a new experience to share.

May 23, 2015

I am flying

Guest Posts

One of our wonderful members @mac007 (who I have had the pleasure of meeting twice!) has just travelled away from home to see family and attend a wedding – always a big deal for any sober person.

March 29, 2015

Up up into the giant sky

Guest Posts

Some of you may remember that my dear friend (and long-time member of this site) @suek has recently been attending a memoir writing course.

March 18, 2015

An interview with myself

Guest Posts

One of the lovely members of this site @behind-the-sofa recently celebrated 1 year of living alcohol-free (woo hoo!!).

March 11, 2015

3 sober tips and a 9-point care plan

Guest Posts

One of our fabulous members @PJNT has made it to over 160 days sober (whoop!), although she says she’s done it “like a reluctant and vocal cat being dragged backwards”.

February 26, 2015