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Tonight's Witching Hour..

August 7th, 2014 Mrs D's Blog

Brilliantly named ‘Arsenic Hour’ by member ‘mrsmorrison’ yesterday.

How’s everyone  going with it today?

Remember to push your thinking through to bedtime.. imagine yourself climbing into bed nice and sober.. and waking up in the morning hangover free…..

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Verjuice & Soda

Drink of the Week

Verjuice is unfermented cabernet sauvignon, used in cooking and dressings.

August 1, 2014

My sober pandemic: Amy


This is a new series of ‘Sober Lockdown Stories’ featuring people with any length of sobriety sharing how they’re keeping themselves well during the global pandemic crisis.

April 23, 2020

What is the main issue with getting sober?

Mrs D's Blog

If someone was to ask me what I think the main thing you have to learn when you get sober, I would say it is this… You have to learn how to sit with your uncomfortable emotions.

July 8, 2020

Sober Story: Patti


This week’s Sober Story comes from Patti, a 62-year-old from the US now living in Thames on the Coromandel Peninsula.

July 5, 2020