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This is the holiday season you become a Winner

December 10th, 2016 Guest Posts 16 comments

A lot of our community are struggling this Silly Season feeling confronted by all the boozy get-togethers and family gatherings that are happening around them. Our beloved member @prudence had some fantastic wise words to offer in the Members Feed the other day and I thought them worth sharing here in a blog post. Enjoy. 


@prudence: It’s okay. Don’t despair. We’ve all felt like this and it’s real and it’s big.

Thinking of a whole holiday without alcohol can be daunting, and thinking of yourself as a misery guts who’s company your poor husband will have to endure is also a pretty ghastly picture.

So how about we try to turn that picture upside down?

This is the holiday that you don’t need to pour mind altering substances down your throat to have a good time. You don’t need to spend all your money and calorie intake on booze to turn you into good company.

This is the holiday where you look sparkly eyed, glossy, shiny, slimmer, trimmer, happier, fresher and way more gorgeous.

This is the holiday where you get time to read books, and do all the stuff you usually want to do but feel a bit hungover, or else too busy drinking.

This Christmas and New Years, you will probably be the envy of some of your friends and family, even though they might not admit it.

This is the holiday where you feel a new sense of self respect, and where you challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself you’ve ever been since childhood.

This is the holiday season you become a Winner. You are gaining so much more than a stupid little wine drinking interval, You are gaining your life back, and so, so much more.



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