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Ginger Nectar

November 19th, 2021 Drink of the Week

Ginger drink

I love anything to do with ginger. Any sort of herbal tea with ginger in it, ginger crunch, ginger loaf, ginger in stir-fries, ginger in curries, ginger any which way!! This is a recipe for a ginger nectar that you could use as the basis for a cool fizzy drink, or as a lovely winter warmer. I got out the big machinery (my juicer) to extract the ginger juice – if you don’t have one you could finely grate the fresh root and just use it like that or squeeze it tightly in a piece of cloth to extract the juice. The quantities given here make enough nectar for at least 10 drinks and the mixture will store in the fridge for a week.


1 large piece of fresh ginger (approx 100g) – juiced
1/2 cup honey
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice


First make the the ginger nectar:
– Stir together the honey and boiling water until the honey has melted
– Add lemon and ginger juice and stir
– Leave to cool To make individual drinks:
– Put 3-4 tbsp of the nectar into a glass
– Top with fizzy water and ice cubes for a refreshing drink, or…
– Top with boiling water for a hot drink.


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