June 17th, 2022 Mrs D's Blog 224 comments
Republishing this powerful post.
Welcome to a very special day – the first day of the rest of your life!
I know that’s a terrible cliche but image that it’s true. Imagine that from today things start to really turn around for you. Imagine that today heralds the start of a massive period of self-growth. Imagine that today you set a new more positive course for your life. Imagine if today you say goodbye to all that angst and misery that alcohol has given you.
Day Ones are hard. They’re also rather exciting. My Day One was both. It started at 3am when I awoke sick as a dog and full of misery (and probably half cut from all the wine I drank the night before). I cried on and off through the morning and felt like utter shit. I slowly rehydrated and recovered from my alcohol excesses and was left just feeling tired and flat. I went to bed early in a less-than-chirpy mood.
But my Day One was also quietly fabulous. In the depths of my despair I made a big and exciting decision that this was it. No more drinking. No more alcohol in my life – ever. Despite my self-esteem being shot I managed to tap into the wise, brave and strong part of me that desperately wanted to get out.
I summoned enough grit to write myself a letter that set out my intention to learn how to live sober. I got a whiff of change and I believed that change could come.
I only ever had one Day One. But that’s not how it goes for everyone. Some people have a couple. Some people have many – they’re the really brave ones. They keep coming back, keep trying again to tap into that wise, brave and strong part of themselves that is desperate for change. They keep proclaiming ‘Today is Day One’.
I don’t care if you’re on your first Day One or your fiftieth Day One – you are welcome here. And whether today is your first Day One or your fiftieth Day One it might just be the one to finally stick. So tomorrow will be Day Two, and so on and so on. One day at a time you will carve out a new life.
A sober life. Not a life free from sadness and pain – that sort of life doesn’t exist – but a life grounded in truth and honesty and bravery.
So Dear Person on Day One – I salute you. I am excited for you. I know what hard work it is going to take for you to move through the days ahead but believe me when I say: It is so, so, so worth it.
And one day in the future you’ll look back and be thankful for this Day One, just like I’m thankful for mine.
I was interviewed by a journalist a few years back (you can read the article here) and I was describing to her the crazy struggle that can go on in our heads over the course of a day when we are living with addiction.
November 3, 2020 – 24 comments
“I’ve always hidden how I feel but my coping strategies were alcohol and self harm and I quit both.” ======= ======= Nicky: At the beginning of lockdown, the company I contract to assured me there would be plenty of work that I could do from home while I looked after the kids.
May 10, 2020 – 6 comments
Today’s expert is Elaine, the founder of Ocean Hills Detox and Rehabilitation, a private residential service for drug & alcohol addiction based in the Hawkes Bay.
July 20, 2020 – 1 comment
This week’s Sober Story comes from Jill, a 62-year-old living in Nelson.
May 17, 2017 – 10 comments