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Central Otago Speaking Events..

September 21st, 2014 Mrs D's Blog

So this is cool – I’ve been invited down to Central Otago to speak at a series of events in late October. I’m being hosted by the Wanaka Alcohol Group, Youth Access to Alcohol, and Central Otago Drink Aware, the latest speaker in their series ‘On the Same Wavelength’.

Their flyer says “The On the Same Wavelength series aims to foster better understanding between parents and children, but also to connect parents with each other and the community in which they live. All interested community members are welcome.”

And as far as I’m concerned that includes the Living Sober community!!!

Basically I’ll be telling my drinking & sobriety story. I’ll talk about how booze was my steady companion from the age of 15 to the age of 39 and what impact I now understand my habit had on my overall experience of life. And of course I’ll detail how I managed to beat my addiction and turn my thinking around to where I am now so happy to be sober.

Because I am. Happy to be sober that is. I never touch alcohol ever and never will again my whole life and I don’t even care. And that’s saying something given how much I loved my wines. Boy did I love my wines. Big, big turnaround for sure.

So anyway…. the dates are October 21st – 23rd… all details on the flyer below. Please let me know if you are coming, it’d be great to meet some Living Sober members face-to-face!

Love, Mrs D xxx

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