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Articles: Interviews

Sobriety Chat: Ninakaye


Listen to mentor and music manager Ninakaye (Ngāti Maniapoto) talk about the chaos of her early drinking years, the powerful conversation that led to her quitting, the impact alcohol has had on Māori in Aotearoa, and the importance of connecting with your culture.

March 3, 2023

Sober Story: Stuart


"Right at the beginning I made the decision to treat getting sober as a new adventure and I believe that helped me."

February 18, 2023

Sobriety Chat: Jean


Listen to podcaster and writer Jean talk about her new book, Take Good Care, and how unleashing her creative energy has been one of the many joys of quitting drinking.

February 10, 2023

Ask An Expert: Renee (Addiction Counsellor)


Today’s expert is Renee (Te Arawa, Ngāti Wāhiao), an addictions counsellor working at CareNZ in Wellington.

January 31, 2023

Sober Story: Andy


"In the early days the most difficult thing for me was actually admitting to myself that I had a problem."

January 15, 2023

Sobriety Chat: Kath


Listen to alcohol coach and entrepreneur Kath talk about her drinking story, her cancer journey and the work she now does raising awareness of the links between alcohol and cancer.

January 10, 2023

Sober Story: Emma


"If I have cravings now I look backwards rather than forwards and just remind myself of how terrible things were."

January 1, 2023

Sobriety Chat: Maria


Listen to social media professional and content creator Maria talk about the criticism she received from some of her followers when she stopped sharing 'wine mum' memes and started talking honestly about becoming sober.

December 20, 2022

Sober Story: David


"I wasn’t really interested in maintaining any of my friendship networks unless alcohol was involved but even then I’d prefer seclusion when drinking rather than social occasions in public venues."

December 12, 2022

Sobriety Chat: Simon


Listen to former advertising guru and award winning marketer Simon talk about his powerful turning point with booze, how recovery is a selfish act (and that's OK!), the power of lived experience and peer support, and the parallels between running and recovery.

December 6, 2022