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Apple Crumble Mocktail

April 27th, 2018 Drink of the Week


My brother-in-law made so many fancy mocktails when visiting recently we gave him the nickname ‘Dr Mock’! This one was a standout. Really fun to drink something so rich with flavours and with many garnishes!

1 prune sliced in two
2 slices of apple
Sprig rosemary
Apple juice
4 cardamom pods
Ice cubes

First put the apple slices and prune pieces onto a skewer (prunes at the bottom) and sprinkle with a little salt.
Then into a cocktail shaker (or large jar with a lid) put the ice cubes, apple juice, cardamom pods and cinnamon.
Shake vigorously and leave to infuse for 10 mins or so.
Place your skewer into a martini glass and pour over the flavoured apple juice.
Garnish with the rosemary sprig and another shake of cinnamon.


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