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My Sober Pandemic: Ruth

October 20th, 2021 Interviews

Unicorn mug

This is a new series of ‘Sober Lockdown Stories’ featuring people with any length of sobriety sharing how they’re keeping themselves well during the global pandemic crisis.

Today’s sober hero is Ruth who lives in Auckland.


Mrs D: How are you feeling about what’s going on with this Covid-19 virus?

Ruth: A lot of unease about the future. I don’t feel like there is clear direction in terms of where the country in headed or how long we will be in lockdown for. I work in an industry that is very affected & I was just a week into a new job!

Mrs D: How have your emotions shifted and changed since the crisis began?

Ruth: I’ve felt very anxious and very unsettled. I lose the plot if I can’t do my daily routine.

Mrs D: How long have you been sober for?

Ruth: 461 days.

Mrs D: How is being sober helping you at this crazy time?

Ruth: It’s saving me money. If I was still drinking, it would be a daily thing from 10am, every day. I’m working the steps as well as I can, Zoom AA meetings keep me sane. Saying the serenity prayer several times a day also helps.

Mrs D: Have you had any pangs to drink since the lockdown began?

Ruth: Just one. My husband didn’t do his set chores for the day, which meant I ate dinner two hours late and I had my first drinking urge in a long time.

Mrs D: Any particular self-care actions that are helping you in these gritty times?

Ruth: Walks, Zoom meetings, daily routine.

Mrs D: What are you doing to fill in the days?

Ruth: Admin work, database entry type stuff. Netflix.

Mrs D: What would you say to people who are struggling with alcohol while they’re in lockdown?

Ruth: Get the alcohol out of the house, go for walks, eat well, keep hydrated. Jump on zoom AA Meetings. Talk to people.

Mrs D: What’s in this photo you’ve shared with us?

Ruth: This is my cat unicorn mug. It makes people laugh.

Mrs D: Anything else you’d like to add?

Ruth: Hopefully this lockdown will work. Stay in your bubble, stay as sane as you can. Go for walks. Reach out.

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