September 13th, 2022 Interviews
Patti Clark is an author, speaker, workshop facilitator, mother of sons.. and she is sober. Click on the video or audio below to hear my Sobriety Chat with Patti. She talks about healing from a traumatic childhood, how she got sober for 13 years then relapsed for 13 more, the importance of finding the right support and the keys to unlocking creativity.
A restauranteur friend just emailed Mr D and said “I can get my hands on a stunning Central Otago pinot noir from a liquidation sale.
February 4, 2015
These ‘Ask An Expert’ posts are interviews I’m carrying out with trained individuals who come into contact with people struggling with alcohol.
December 16, 2018
This week’s Sober Story comes form Toni, a 52-year-old living in Silverdale in Auckland.
September 25, 2019
“I cannot fathom waking up at 4am with a pounding heart and sweaty palms during this very crazy time.” ====== ====== Sandra: I was pretty scared and worried initially.
April 29, 2020