April 3rd, 2024 Interviews
Noelle McCarthy is a broadcaster, award winning author and podcaster, mother, wife, sister, baker.. and she is sober. In this chat Noelle talks about her early drinking years in her homeland of Ireland, the internal struggle she had accepting the reality of her relationship with alcohol, what it took for her to change, and the shifting relationship she’s had with herself in recovery. Read more about Noelle’s work here and here.
Earlier this year the independent evaluation company, Cogo, were engaged by the New Zealand Drug Foundation, who manage Living Sober, to carry out an evaluation of our site.
December 16, 2021
Another delicious drink from foodie Annie Kenning: “This is a non-alcoholic cocktail that isn’t terribly sweet but tastes, looks and smells ‘adult’.
January 4, 2021
“I’m a nicer parent, present at bedtime with the kids (before I really couldnt be bothered after several wines).” ========= Lynn: Interesting times for sure; frustration but I also see some lovely things going on too, which I am holding on to.
May 13, 2020