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Sober is Good

July 7th, 2017 Guest Posts

This guest post comes from our much treasured member @prudence who has worked through some tough circumstances recently including the death of a close friend and moving house. She regularly shares with us all the goings on and the ups and downs of her life in recovery, never sugarcoating things or pretending things are great when they’re not. What I love most about our @prudence is that she always comes back to the fundamental truth that the  upsides of being sober far outweigh any downsides.  Below is what she shared in the Members Feed one morning last week after she woke up in her newly built home.


@prudence: Good morning everyone. Not a lot to report. Gave myself the day off yesterday and it turned out real sunny and was just gorgeous here, a lovely lazy self indulgent day just soaking up the peace, and all the effort it has taken to be in this place in my life. 

Sober is good.

Sober makes everything possible.

Sober we are motivated and capable and courageous.

Sober we are more generous, more giving of ourselves, more compassionate, more loving, more wise and more kind.

Sober we still struggle, we sometimes feel more alone.

Sober we overcome the stuff that troubles us because sober we are capable of rational thinking at all times.

Sober we give ourselves the chance to live a life we can feel proud of, and we give those who love us someone to look up to and someone they can count on, always.

Sober is hard sometimes, real hard.

But sober is always worth it.

Let’s all Stay Sober.

Happy Days My Tribe xoxo

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[image id="3015" alt="lettering 'this is who I am"" width="1024" height="683"] This week’s Sober Story comes from Nancy, a 62-year-old living in Louisiana, USA.

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