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Passionfruit Soda

June 6th, 2021 Drink of the Week

passionfruit drink This is a beautiful drink. Slightly tart but also sweet and delicious. Once you’ve gone to the effort of making the syrup it is very quick and easy to make many yummy drinks. Would be good to have for a special occasion.


100g sugar 1/2 tsp tartaric acid 200g passionfruit pulp (fresh or from a jar) 50ml lemon juice Sparkling water, mint leaves and ice cubes to serve 

First make the syrup:

Combine the sugar, tartaric acid and 50ml of water in a small saucepan over a low heat. Stir until dissolved. Cool to room temperature then stir in the passionfruit and lemon juice.

For each drink:

Put 2tsp of syrup into a glass over ice. Top with sparkling water. Add 2 more tsp of syrup into the top of the glass Garnish with mint leaves.   Enjoy!

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