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Iced chamomile & honey tea with passionfruit

November 5th, 2014 Drink of the Week

Like mother like daughter! Following on from @bellab’s lovely Coconut Chai drink last week, today her mother @hetiheti provides us with a completely different yet equally delicious drink recipe.

@hetiheti says: “I always use cold water for iced tea – stops it from having that bitter stewed taste. The honey is a natural sweetener and the passionfruit adds a delicious fruity and slightly tropical dimension. It is an absolutely gorgeous drink on its own (my husband liked it best this way) but i also like it topped with a dash of soda.”


3 chamomile teabags
3-4 tbsp honey (or to taste)
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup passionfruit pulp (bought or fresh)
1 litre water


Mix altogether in a jug and leave for a few hours to infuse.
Serve chilled with cubes of ice and a slice of lemon.

Enjoy ♥ ♥ ♥

Hetiheti mocktail2

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