February 24th, 2017 Drink of the Week 2 comments
This is delish! Really nourishing. I made it one morning for Mr D and I to have for breakfast and it went down a treat.
1 banana
1 cup milk of choice
2 tbsp oats
1 tbsp peanut butter
I shot of espresso (or more if you like)
1 cup ice
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp honey
Blitz all ingredients together until smooth
(This is Mr D modelling the smoothie for you ???? )
Don’t be fooled by how straightforward this recipe is – the drink is delicious!
January 24, 2020 – 5 comments
This is one of the main things I want every person who is stuck in a miserable boozy hell-hole – and every person who is working damn hard to get sober – to know.
July 31, 2016 – 17 comments
This guest post was written by the wise and lovely@suek after she hosted some friends for dinner recently.
January 16, 2016 – 14 comments