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A-OK Mocktail

May 17th, 2024 Drink of the Week

Basil and cucumber give this drink a delightfully earthy flavour. Make plenty of the syrup so you have enough for quite a few drinks.


Handful of basil leaves
1 cup cucumber chunks
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
Dash of lingonberry or cranberry syrup
Fizzy water
1 fresh cherry


First make your basil and cucumber syrup by combining the first four ingredients in a saucepan and simmering gently until the sugar has disolved. Leave to cool then remove the basil leaves and cucumber chunks.

To make each drink:

Put ice in the bottom of your glass then pour over approx 10ml syrup
Add fizzy water and a dash of cranberry or lingonberry syrup
Garnish with a cherry sliced sideways so it releases a bit of juice into the soda


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