Dear Person on Day One

woman looking over landscape

Republishing this powerful post.


Welcome to a very special day - the first day of the rest of your life!

I know that's a terrible cliche but image that it's true. Imagine that from today things start to really turn around for you. Imagine that today heralds the start of a massive period of self-growth. Imagine that today you set a new more positive course for your life. Imagine if today you say goodbye to all that angst and misery that alcohol has given you.

Day Ones are hard. They're also rather exciting. My Day One was both. It started at 3am when I awoke sick as a dog and full of misery (and probably half cut from all the wine I drank the night before). I cried on and off through the morning and felt like utter shit.  I slowly rehydrated and recovered from my alcohol excesses and was left just feeling tired and flat. I  went to bed early in a less-than-chirpy mood.

But my Day One was also quietly fabulous. In the depths of my despair I made a big and exciting decision that this was it. No more drinking. No more alcohol in my life - ever. Despite my self-esteem being shot I managed to tap into the wise, brave and strong part of me that desperately wanted to get out.

I summoned enough grit to write myself a letter that set out my intention to learn how to live sober. I got a whiff of change and I believed that change could come.

I only ever had one Day One. But that's not how it goes for everyone. Some people have a couple. Some people have many - they're the really brave ones. They keep coming back, keep trying again to tap into that wise, brave and strong part of themselves that is desperate for change. They keep proclaiming 'Today is Day One'.

I don't care if you're on your first Day One or your fiftieth Day One - you are welcome here. And whether today is your first Day One or your fiftieth Day One it might just be the one to finally stick. So tomorrow will be Day Two, and so on and so on. One day at a time you will carve out a new life.

A sober life. Not a life free from sadness and pain - that sort of life doesn't exist - but a life grounded in truth and honesty and bravery.

So Dear Person on Day One - I salute you.  I am excited for you. I know what hard work it is going to take for you to move through the days ahead but believe me when I say: It is so, so, so worth it.

And one day in the future you'll look back and be thankful for this Day One, just like I'm thankful for mine.

  1. Daniel 4 months ago

    Today is my day one. My first day one.

    I am 37 and drank since I was 13. People wouldn’t class me as an alcoholic but the impact drinking alcohol has on my life when I do drink is huge. Last night when visiting a friend for New Year’s Eve, I got drunk, and can’t remember boxing him, no matter what lead upto that it is inexcusable. I came back from the drunkness in a convenience store and found my phone at the police station. I lost a friend, and found my phone and my self, which is lucky because I am on the other side of the world away from home. I don’t want to jeopardise everything again, and again. If I continue to drink everything I have and love is at risk every time I drink.

    I feel the presence of a higher power helping me on this journey. Embrace the pain and pleasure ahead.

  2. J 9 months ago

    About 16 months ago I was diagnosed being sick and may never walk again and if I could it would take years. I’m lucky that my parents who I hadn’t seen in years let me live with them. After spending 3 weeks with them I got a phone call from the hospital and the Doctor said that he was sorry to tell me this but I only have about 4 months to live. That’s the day I got sober because I wanted to die sober. Anyway, eight weeks later I was in the hospital for a ton of tests and they were wrong. That was at the end of December and now I’m sober & working hard to walk again but it’s a slow process. God willing I’ll keep sober & walk again. I was actually so sad that I wasn’t dying because life is hard. The little things I miss like a meeting Or just walking outside. I hate the topic gratitude but im grateful because I will walk again.

  3. Leone 1 year ago

    My Day one was 18 February 2023 – only 11 days ago… So early days yet – although I am determined that is the start of my new lifestyle alcohol free. Quite a statement I know but, I am done with the angst, done with not being honest with myself, and done with being done…

  4. Miles 1 year ago

    I have endured an incredibly severe and very progressive addiction to opiates/opioids as my drug of choice, cocaine my second DOC. Through 15 years of ups and downs, IV use responsible staph infections that have nearly claimed my life, abscesses, humiliation, loneliness and suffering I have had a few day ones as well. Not many…but a few. Today December 31st 2022 is the last day one I have in me and that I am certain. I am only 30 years old and my addiction has taken such a toll that my body cannot take much more. Please god I beg of you to return me to sanity for you are the only thing that can save me from my suffering alone in the darkness. I want to live and I demand a good life free from my bondage of needles, powders, liars and cheaters. I love who I am. I deserve to live. I pray for all addicts and alcoholics who are suffering in the world. May god hear my prayer.

  5. David1972 1 year ago

    15th December 2022, my Day One. I gave up alcohol for 408 days during lockdown, but started binge drinking again on 7th February, and have got back into my bad binging habits. Yesterday I got very drunk during a day’s drinking, drinking beer, whisky, and rums and coke, and when coming home from my regular pub I went into another one, but was so drunk I soon realised from the barman that I would not be served, so I left and came home determined to stop drinking for good. So, here I am. It has been one of those post-booze days, hungover in the morning, and wallowing in guilt, shame, and remorse, but I am determined to stop, as these episodes of binge drinking are damaging my health and relationships.
    What is different this time is that I told a close friend who does not drink and is not part of my pub life social circle about my binge drinking and my decision to stop, and she is willing to offer me emotional support and let me talk to her about my alcohol misuse and my need and determination to go sober.
    I hope this is my last ever Day One, but whatever, here goes.

  6. Steven 2 years ago

    15 hours for me been doing coke for ten years alcohol for 15 they go hand and hand after being up for three days and coming to realize it’s time to get help my mom just passed and I was just numbing the pain from everything my anxiety is extreme right now having some heart palpitations and can’t eat the cocaine has really messed me up mentally I get bad panic attacks after and I’m stressing and scared and nervous I just want to be happy again anyone have tips for dealing with the first couple days especially when you lose motivation and you have work the next day

    • Anonymous 2 years ago

      I have fell into the drink and coke spiral too I cut down on my drinking wasn’t having any for a few months felt great got a buzz from not drinking around people and them questioning me about it I felt great but then I started drinking alone as I don’t like drinking in front of anyone anymore so I do it secretly and I have been buying coke as well and having it at home in secret I’ve had it tonight but I have threw the rest away that I paid money for it’s 4.15 am and I can’t sleep because of it going to look and feel like crap tomorrow make excuses as to why I can’t go out the house because I will be too tired and paranoid I’ve really had enough tomorrow is my day 1 and I’ve had a lot but hopeful it’s the last as I’ve been up all night I have watched Annie grace videos read a lot about alcohol and I am really determined to pack it in for good hope you did how is it going for you

    • J 2 years ago

      Hope youre still going strong. Would be great to hear how awesome your doing. Or if you need to reset…join me!

  7. G 2 years ago

    DAY # 3 HERE! I loved your blog

  8. Christine 2 years ago

    Day One- I feel horrible….not hungover just drained as hell. I drank all weekend. Even drank yesterday when i was supposed to just relax. I dont drink during the week but thursday through sunday i lay one on. My depression is at an all time low….my weight is at an all time high….Its time to give up the alcohol. I hopefully one day will look back at this day and remember how strong i was but in this moment i feel weak as hell.

  9. Alex 2 years ago

    Day one. Feeling pretty emotional. I’ve had other day ones, too many to count. Today, however, I know I have to stick to it. I’m glad I found this site, as it inspired me to write a letter to myself. It was painful having to textually acknowledge and read the words of how I’ve been hurting myself, my partner, my child, my friends and family. How unstable I became and how it’s been going on for over seven years. My child is only five and a half, and it’s painful to think that I was only sober for six months of it, only to have it quickly creep back in, getting even worse than it had ever been in recent years. I think the demon was just getting stronger and stronger because it knew that I knew I had to vanquish it. I don’t want to be a slave to beer any longer and I’m sick of feeling bad all the time. This chapter of my life has ended, and I know it, and it’s time for the next to begin.

  10. Pokey 2 years ago

    Day 1 I have a cold so it hasn’t been bad.
    I drink because I can’t stand myself.
    Last time which was the first time I quit for 11 days. I felt good.
    On the twelfth day I got hammered, fell down and had a swollen eye. Nice!
    Hopefully quit for longer. I have no interest in anything.

  11. Ananymouse 2 years ago

    Today is my day one:) I quit alcohol almost 7 years ago but just replaced it with smoking cigarettes and cannabis. This year my resolution is to stop lying to myself. I never expected to quit smoking. But I realized that the me on substance is cool but not as cool as I thought lol.

    I feel all my repression coming out already. All the pain and unnecessary feelings coming out trying it’s best to get me to soften up so I can find a reason and excuse to why need something.

    I read the other day the opposite of addiction is connection. So Iv spent the day connecting with the world around me. Talk about a welcome to earth experience when time feels sooooo long. Lol, time is almost like we are enemies right now. I hope it treats me with a sliver of dignity.

    Day one almost done:)

    • Leah 2 years ago

      I love the idea that connection is the opposite of addiction. Thank you.
      DAY one and feeling scared

  12. Stacey 2 years ago

    Today is my day one. Day 1 of sobriety. Cutting drinking, cocaine & cigarettes….and lying that I’m ok bc I’m not. It’s become a need where it use to be for fun. Use to be with a group now it’s solo. I’ve built a separate person/life that’s hidden. It’s a shameful & dark side of me. The other person is a daughter, sister, wife. mother, smarter & educator. What started as one time over 20 yrs ago has become a deep black hole that seems to get deeper and more frequently.
    Today though… today I’ve had enough. I’m tired, ashamed, sad & need to feel like the real me. I need my brain to know it doesn’t need it. So today I retract my brain what mI hearts been trying to show me. I do not need alcohol or drugs to have fun. I need my healthy life to have the best life. And I need to be present to enjoy what I have built instead of tired & absent. I need to stop the crave bc it’s not real.
    If anyone would like support or friend, I’m here.

    • Steven 2 years ago

      Today is my day one like 15 hours same addictions been ten years doing this and it was to just numb the pain but it’s only destroyed me mentally and physically my anxiety is really bad now which is what I hate gets really bad any advise on how to get through the first couple days

      • Anonymous 2 years ago

        Hang in there man. The booze and coke is a real combo that screws you all up. I’ve been there. Reach out to people that truly care for you and will support the right way. If they don’t exist, be strong and courageous and constantly remind yourself of what you believe in and the type of person you want to be. One day at a time. One breath at a time. Surf that urge and ride it through til it peaks and crashes. You got this bro <3

    • Lisa Charlotte Bates 2 years ago

      Hi Stacey, it’s my day one and I’m scared. I was sober before for 3 years but went back on the wine and have been drinking spectacular amounts that have been nearly killing me, so today, I have decided No more of this. Your blog is amazing and are you still sober ?

    • Anonymous 2 years ago

      I suspect I know where you are. Stay strong. Onward and upward.

  13. Anonymous 2 years ago

    Today was meant to be my day one

  14. Dee M 3 years ago

    I am on day 4. I completed the alcohol experiment which brought me from 4 to 7 days a week 3 beers a night down to 2 to 3 drinks 1 or 2 x a week. I felt great .. then I drank 5 drinks in two situations and felt totally ashamed and afraid of myself all over. So, I know I need to really watch drinking closer. I need to avoid things were big drinking is going on but my husband loves that stuff. That’s the hard part. Learning how to be there and not drink .

    • theginger 2 years ago

      I know that feeling my husband thinks it’s all fine. I know I drink too much even brought alcohol free wine. This week he did he stopping after I asked him not to buy wine brought 10 bottles!

  15. LaNique Boyd 3 years ago

    Today is my day one from cocaine, alcohol, caffeine & marijuana…

    But it’s all I know how to do with my days that I’m sitting in the car crying because I feel everything at once.

    • Simplybeingworthy 3 years ago

      How are you now ?
      Healthy & / or atleast breathing I hope
      I have had 37 day ones. I feel you . You aren’t alone

    • Anonymous 3 years ago

      Sorry 😢 I feel you. You CAN do this

  16. Mother of 3. 3 years ago

    Day 1 for me again. I have tried this before but this time I have decided to turn off that back burner. A great lady told me once that If I wanted to stay sober I needed to get rid of holding on to my alcoholism on the back burner and that when I was ready to turn it off I would. I dismissed that comment and really didn’t think about it till now. I feel more ready than ever. I know it’s going to be hard but I want this! So here I am. Burner off and willing to give this 100% shot.

  17. Anonymous 3 years ago

    This is day one again….I continue to amazing myself that I have to keep starting over. I’ve mentally hit two really low feeling points this last week. Not during a night of drinking but actually the next day. I’m seriously feeling the after effects and I’m terribly uncomfortable. I have however this week also purchase some non-alcoholic beer and wine. For me this feels like a step. I picked them up while grabbing a couple shooters, but still picked them up. I’m hoping I make a breakthrough this time.

  18. Anonymous 4 years ago

    I am on my day one today after more than a year of binge drinking every night. My doctors did a blood test and my liver enzymes were too high. She mentioned that if I don’t stop and change my lifestyle, I would get really sick and die at a young age. So, here I am on my day one of sobriety. Last night was not fun, I could not sleep properly even after taking melatonin. I was sweating like crazy and kept waking up every hour or two. Although, I feel a little better this morning. Looking forward to day two.
    Good luck everyone and keep in touch.

    • Jenfer 3 years ago

      Hi I was told the same thing at hospital yesterday so last night was ground zero and this morning I feel like shit. How are you doing now?

  19. Nothing To Hide 4 years ago

    I’m on day one, again, of not having my usual (daily) four shooters of 99 berries/apples/bananas/whatever. I’ve been here a few times before. I don’t get the physical symptoms of withdrawal as I don’t think I drank enough to incur them, but I definitely experience the psychological aspect. I always looked forward to my four shooters after work. Every day, $6.55. I would drink them and hide the empties before my husband arrived home from work around 7:30 or 8:00pm with our two-year-old son. I didn’t act drunk but I knew I was, to an extent. Sometimes I’d add a Truly or glass of wine on top of it, acting like it was the only drink I’d had all day.

    Then two nights ago, I’d made dinner and my son refused to eat a single bite. The alcohol made it easy for me to get angry and I slipped into, what my husband confronted me about the next morning, “an endless string of ‘fuck yous’ and ‘fuck offs'” at our son. I rememebered doing it, but it was hazy. My husband scolded me, saying he wanted to take our son and leave that night, but he grit his teeth and bore it because I am his mother, but no one should ever talk to him like that. Especially me. He didn’t know if alcohol was involved, but if it was, it needs to stop. He wishes it would stop.

    I was ashamed. Absolutely ashamed. I sobbed and apologized and told my husband he was right. I came home from work yesterday, and despite it all, I had two shooters leftover from the day before. I drank them, but my tolerance is high so I didn’t feel anything like buzzed. I sat down with my son before bed, and even though he’d forgotten my behavior, I cried and told him what I’d done was wrong, and I promised I would never, ever treat him that way again.

    I skipped the liquor store on my way home at 5pm. I cracked open an energy drink which I’ve been sipping on instead of throwing back those damn shooters of 99. This is the first step in breaking my bad habit. I made a promise to my son, my husband, and myself. I have to be better. My son deserves the mother that I am when I don’t drink. Not the angry, horrid, foul-mouthed bitch I was that night. I will forever be ashamed of my behavior that night. It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been drinking.

    So…. here’s to Day One. My husband and son will be home shortly, and I feel so, so relieved and happy that I won’t feel the shame, guilt, and anxiety that accompanies having to hide my filthy habit. I have nothing to hide from them today. And I love that.

    • Anonymous 2 years ago

      This is what happens with my situation except those teas get me. I am on day one today and it’s hard I have thought about having a drink already but I am actively choosing to be sober. I drink at home everyday and I am choosing to learn a good healthy habit. For the next while that will be a quick nap to get through the craving.

    • Donna 3 years ago

      I loved hearing your share thank you you are a warrior

    • Rachel 3 years ago

      I am in the same boat as you and would also get the 99 cents shooters but one turns to two or more etc I’ve affected my health and my loved ones I also stop drinking but then go back to it eventually and once I start feeling better. I hope you are strong enough to continue this path and journey. Today is my day one, I decided to stop as all night my stomach was in pain I had 4 shooters but no buzz being high tolerance but having post nasal drip in the back of my throat and abdominal pain and a hard time swallowing and breathing I’ve decided to stop again for good, each time it gets worse and worse and I’m afraid of my health. My kids need me and I need them. Good Luck to you. God Bless.

    • Anonymous 3 years ago

      That was brave to confess that. Good luck

      • Lauree 3 years ago

        I’m proud of you for having the courage and honesty to admit what you did. My 10 year-old daughter asked me to not drink beer for one day. I said I would, but then the next day I told her I “enjoy my beer too much to skip it.” And “I’ll give up my beer when you give up your iPad.” What kind of crappy way is that to teach your child about demonstrating love and sacrifice? Today I MUST do better. Even if it’s only for today I’m starting with that.

  20. Marsh 4 years ago

    Day One for me is October 28th, 2020. I will make it this time. My commitment is set in stone. Up to this point I have been tapering to avoid awful withdrawals. Good luck on your journeys, everyone.

  21. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Best wishes to everyone – day one tomorrow and looking forward to waking up happy joyous and FREE!!! Had to wrangle a bit to get into that frame of mind but it is well worth it…think: how great it is never having to drink again vs not being allowed to drink again

  22. Danielle 4 years ago

    Today is my day one and I’m nervous. I’ve been here before and I know how hard it is on the body and the mind. Dreading the feelings as the day goes on but i REALLY want this. The thought of having to drink anymore is a depressing thought!
    Good luck everyone xxx

    • bob fakelastname 4 years ago

      same! high five

  23. Danielle D'Arcy-Cain 4 years ago

    Today is my day one and I’m nervous. I’ve been here before and I know how hard it is on the body and the mind. Dreading the feelings as the day goes on but i REALLY want this. The thought of having to drink anymore is a depressing thought!
    Good luck everyone xxx

  24. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Day 1 for me.. im terrified.

    • Rachel Davidovitch 4 years ago

      My Day One will be tomorrow and I’m scared out of my mind. I’m so afraid of how it will go. I have my mother in law staying with us and our Verizon service is out til the technician comes in Monday mind you….just imagine. I might jump out the window.

  25. Nina 4 years ago

    Tomorrow is day 1 and I’m filled with anxiety. Work is stressful and I use that as my excuse for why I need a drink. I’m getting married soon and my fiance and I both drink heavy and functional for almost 5 yrs for me and him a little longer. Its to the point where I’m just terrified one of us is going to have a stroke, heart attack and then we will be left with horrible grief and I dont want that. Alcohol is the hardest addiction and when two people have the same addiction it really makes it a challenge. I know our love is strong and I going to start my day 1 tomorrow. Has anyone tried naltrexone? If so how did it make you feel? Thank you for the blog as this is my first time ever posting something and it does make me feel less anxiety. Take care and be safe everyone.

    • No more 4 years ago

      My husband and I are both on our day one. It’s very scary for me because I want us both to succeed alcoholism just seem to creep up on us never expected it and then one day you’re like hey man I’m an alcoholic best of luck to you and your fiancé. Let’s pray for each other and I know we will get through it.

  26. Kate 4 years ago

    I’m on day two again. Maybe about the 100th attempt. Im angry at the world. I dont want anything to do with outside or anything yo do with myself. Can’t believe that as much as I hate alcohol that I continue to let it in. I feel amazing when I’m sober. Its crazy to see all of you on day one too. I know I’m not alone although I feel like it. We can do this together.

  27. healthyhabits 4 years ago

    Its day one for me also and it’s my second attempt. Trying to remember how good (and proud) I felt the last time, when I would wake up every morning and take a few seconds to register no hangover and then be so so so glad I made it to another day clean. I really want that feeling again. It was really hard the first few weeks and then the cravings lessened. I hope I can push past the stupid horrid voice inside that justifies the first drink of the evening for the next few weeks…

  28. Dawn 4 years ago

    It’s amazing how many people drink so they can sleep! Being sleep deprived is a nightmare

  29. Paqal 4 years ago

    Finish of day two for me 1 am and still wide awake. Damn, I am normally out like a light by 9 pm, but share that 2 am wake up with beating heart and incredible thirst. My lovely wife has resorted to sleeping in a separate room because I disturb her sleep so badly. Today becomes day 3. Really tough around 4-5 pm when habits kick in. Trying a zero alc beer at wine o’clock. Not the same, but it seems to help a bit. Also helps to eat that evening meal fairly early as the craving seems to reduce when I’m full. Thanks Mrs D for the Day 1 encouragement.

  30. Michael 4 years ago

    So proud of myself going on day 4. Day 1 and 2 was the toughest for me day 3 just the lack of sleep. From a heavy drinker decided to do it cold turkey. Family and health 1st.

  31. Scared for my health 4 years ago

    My day one. This is my third attempt since November. It started up again when on lockdown. Got to point where I have a huge lump in my throat from throwing up daily and the lump makes me gag every time I try to eat so been days since I’ve eaten. Just one sip of a drink and I immediately throw up. Im shaky, twitchy, super anxious and scared, heart races, couldn’t sleep and keep throwing up from the lump in my throat. I really hope I can get through this day. I dont want to drink. I hope I didn’t too much damage to my health….

    • Andrew 4 years ago

      How’s day 2 going?

  32. Lisa 4 years ago

    I am on day 1. I have also had many of these. I seem to make it about a week & then I slip. Wine is my weaknesses. Up until a few years i never even drank it, now I love it. I know it is horrible for my health & that I really need to stop drinking.

    • bookbook 4 years ago

      Yeah it is 3 am and I am on day one again. I do 90 days then loose it. I really really dont want to drink anymore.

    • Misssy2 4 years ago

      Hey i’m on Day one also and its horribly hard…I have also had many day 1’s….I binge and don’t eat…so my last binge was for 4 days 🙁
      Lets do this!

  33. Kris 4 years ago

    I’m back to day one again. Again and again and again 6:43 am. Sweaty jittery and nauseous. I know a drink can make go away. So easy just to refuel. I’ve got to stop. I don’t want to die. This a powerful poison. Slow suicide but it’s all I can think about. Knowing that I can always get my poison at any time really freaks me out. I wish I can just sit on my hands or go into a deep sleep and wake up feeling normal. Normal is all I would ask. Happy well it just might not happen. Just normal please to God.

    • Andrew 4 years ago

      How are you doing?

  34. Eimear 4 years ago

    I just joined.
    I m on day one. I had so many…
    It s 9 in the morning and all I can think of is YOU CAN T MAKE IT AND YOU WILL FAIL AGAIN

    • Anonymous 4 years ago

      Did you make it?

    • brandnewbridie 4 years ago

      Today needs to be Day 1. For a long time I have been thinking about my drinking and I’ve handled it. But this week I’ve felt so low, so tired, my sleeping has been shattered and I feel icky and sick in my stomach. I feel puffy and dehydrated and it’s affected my ability to go to work. This week has been low. I’ve been waiting for the vision and desire to be greater than the resistance to change. I dont want to feel like I’ve felt this week again. It’s ridiculous of me to go through this cycle each day when its just making me feel worse and worse and the high and happiness is becoming less and less. Alcohol it’s been a good party but you’re overstaying your welcome.

  35. Pixie2017 4 years ago

    This an awesome way to think about the “day one”. It’s an individual decision to stop drinking but you have support and friendship of many people here.

    • Bernie Oliver 4 years ago

      Day one. Have given up alcohol for a month and a bit in the past. 3-4 beers everyday and wine at night. Been doing this for30 years. For the most part a functioning alcoholic. Made bad decisions while under its spell and spent a lot of money feeding the habit. Going to restaurants/pubs that didn’t particularly have good food but had cold beer. Making online purchases that sober I would not have. Alcohol puts a strain on relationships as well. Time has come for clear thinking and healing my body. Good luck to everyone embarking on this journey, stay strong.

      • Anonymous 4 years ago

        This is my day one
        Again !
        I feel terrible
        Angry at myself and although have a partner and a little girl I feel very alone !
        Can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and feel better 🙏

      • Andrew 4 years ago

        How has sobriety been for you? Have u maintained?

  36. kerry48 4 years ago

    I’m on day three. Have had countless day ones.
    Reading this made me cry. Thanks for saying it’s brave to keep trying. It gave me a glimmer of hope. That I have it in me to do this. That this time will be the last time, this time it will stick.

    • Eimear 4 years ago

      I just Moines
      I m on day one. I had so many…
      It s 9 in the morning and all I can think of is YOU CAN T MAKE IT AND YOU WILL FAIL AGAIN

  37. Karen 4 years ago

    Day one.Shaky,heart racing at intervals throughout the day.Anxiety through the roof.Cravings come and go.Not much of an appetite.Feel really vague.

  38. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Day 1. Panic attacks, anxiety, withdrawal. Scared the shit out of myself when I couldn’t drink my first drink ( of whatever, usually wine) because I would throw that up as well. Stopped smiling, working, lied to everyone, hands would not stop shaking. Embarrassing as hell. Sometimes could not even hold steady hands to buy alcohol. Discussing as it gets. Hiding booze. Drinking out of neighbors bar when she was at work. Poring it into her babies cup so I could carry it out. Hiding from people. Hiding from myself. Filthy condo, piles of laundry, stopped cooking. Sip sip all day long . Never get drunk but constantly buzzed. Sad human excuse of a being. I ask for prayers.

    • Jacquie 4 years ago

      I’m with you. I’m so scared. I feel so alone. Thank you for writing. There is hope. I can decide that this is the first day of a new life. I really want to be done.

      • RedWatch 4 years ago

        Hey Jacquie, how are you getting on? Day 1 can be very scary, like walking through a haunted house all alone at night. Stopping in the middle of the house doesn’t make the ghosts go away. But continuing to walk forward, even while the ghosts whisper in your ears and try to convince you to turn back, going step by step until you can finally reach the front door and let yourself out in to the light- that’s the only way out. And once you finally go through that front door- just you wait! What a world that awaits you on the other side of this fear. The sun will shine and you’ll look back at that run down haunted house, at all the days lost in the darkness, and you’ll make a choice. I hope you choose to keep moving forward. But for now, don’t worry about the next big steps and the future. Think about today. Make it as good as you can. Treat yourself well, and try to keep moving even when it gets hard. Even if you’re still in the darkness, just know that you’re moving toward wonderful freedom- maybe you can’t see it yet, but I promise it’s there. I’m with you.

  39. Yari Gama 4 years ago

    I have replaced my use of thc concentrates. I may not have the same withdrawals but I’m feeling so angry and stressed out and all I want is to go to the dispensary’, get another concentrate and get high. I want to quit and my excuse is I’ve functioned normally while high before. But why can’t I just function normally without weed! Why is weed my normal? I hate that weed makes me feel what I want to feel. Because when I’m sober I feel happy but when I’m not I’m full of excuses.

  40. Luv my wine 4 years ago

    I’m on the morning of day 1 and so worried I won’t be able to sleep for the next few days ?

    • Louise 4 years ago

      Im on day one and worried about this too. Im also worried at 6pm ill find an excuse to go to the supermarket for cat food and come back with wine.

  41. Chris Gredzinski 4 years ago

    Today is day 2, getting ready for work. Still in a bit of a funk. Been drinking for over 30 years. It’s gonna take awhile till I feel good again I know. Just for today, I will not .

  42. Kris laucius 4 years ago

    Hi all. This is my 100 th day one too. My boyfriend is mr shutter home Chardonnay. Took that line from above post. It’s 6:30 am and I’m already thinking about putting it off and just having a little. Yesterday I just had 6 which is good for me. I usually put down the 1:5 liter bottle on my own. I feel funky right now. Want to go back to sleep. Please wish me luck and strength as I do for all of you. We are not alone. Hugs. K

  43. Kathy Blaisdell 4 years ago

    Tomorrow is my third day one. The first time, I had hit my rock bottom. I was in a 12-step program but didn’t really work the steps that much and didn’t take it very serious. I relapsed after 18 months. One year later, I decided to try it again. I went back to the same 12-step program, got a sponsor, worked all 12 steps, went to 3 meetings a day/7 days a week and really started to grow. I learned a lot but somehow, I relapsed after 12 months. It’s been 2 years and I am ready to try it again. I have moved away so I can’t go back to the same 12-step program but I have lined up several friends and family members to help support me. I also have all my 12-step materials so hopefully, this will be my final step one. Third time’s a charm. Please wish me luck?

  44. James 5 years ago

    Its scary but its something you have decided to do and believe me that this is the BEST decision you’ve made. I too was scared and its been nearly 30 years now that I had my Day 1. Push through, change your habits, make new friends (those that don’t push you to drink or respect that you don’t drink), substitute drinking with something else thats taste good and is good for your body, exercise, pray, and continue to take tiny steps forward. You will BEAT this thing…and be thankful daily. You CAN do this…..

  45. Anonymous 5 years ago

    How do you know today is the day that I will finally stop drinking?! I am scared that today is just another fake day 1

    • Anonymous 4 years ago

      Right! day one for me again

    • Anonymous 5 years ago

      1 fake day is better than no day at all. Not drinking, even for only a day, is a huge accomplishment.

  46. Vanessa bernardo da rocha 5 years ago

    I began day 2 at 1pm today. Passed day one. Uhuuu. Nearly 30 hours.

  47. Vanessa bernardo da rocha 5 years ago

    I already pass for a day it’s being about 30 hours. Like you said the day was totally unproductive. Tired so tired. Feeling sick. No hungry at all. If I reach this it’s gonna be the second time I quit drunk. The first time I quit for 5 years and a half. And then return to my misery again. Even worst actually, every morning right after open my eyes I think damed I did again. But as I can hide the situation quite well, my family seems don’t know how serious this situation is for me. So I ‘m on my own, but prefer like this. I didn’t pretend to have today free from alcohol, suddenly happen, I felt so sick that I could not open the early morning first beer and still like this. Anxious to see how is gonna be tomorrow, I’ll pray to get the same wondering be better than today. Thank you. Nice to open this.

  48. Erica 5 years ago

    It is my day 1…officially…quasi day two as yesterday my body totally rejected the alcohol…had a meaningful convo w a friend who cares…cried n cried…n gave all the alcohol in my house. Prayed cried some more went for a 2.87mile walk in the heat n spent 26min on my yoga mat….but today…all the possible triggers from work set in…my headaches awful n don’t know if th the that’s from staring the computer screen or alcohol withdrawal. But I’m struggling n trying to convince myself not to buy a big bottle just a lil one. This post has given me strength n hope that even if I don’t make it thru today tomorrow can be a new day one Thank you.pray for me

  49. Andrea Brown 5 years ago

    I constantly have day ones,I and drink have a very bad relationship.

  50. Anonymous 5 years ago

    Hi there, I totally understand what Abigail was talking about. I too can go a few days without drinking then start to feel better, the temptation of a few little drinks then happens. I comfort myself with cultural references that, ‘hey, it’s okay to relax with that drink’ ‘it’s ok to socialise with a drink’ ‘that successful person is having a drink’. What these adverts and social settings don’t show me is what happens to some of us, who can’t have just a few drinks, my rational self is shot by them and I continue and continue thinking that extra drink doesn’t matter, or I might as well finish the bottle. I wake in the night hot and needing the toilet, flushed and headachy. At this point I swear never again and I’ll get the help I need. But over the past 4 years I haven’t. I’m trying this time again, but need to stay strong because the sentiment that, it’s not that bad or it’s normal to drink excessively. It is bad and I know it’s hampered my life, work and friendships. To stay sober for me is the only way to break free from this addiction. Good luck to all, we can do this

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