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BELIEVE change is possible!

November 9th, 2023 Mrs D's Blog

I can tell you that change is possible. I can tell you the story of how I turned my life around, quit booze and completely re-shaped my identity as a non-drinker. I can share countless stories from other brave sober warriors about how they got themselves out of the booze trap. We can all shout from the rooftops about how getting sober is achievable.

But it won’t happen for you unless you believe it too.

YOU have to believe that change is possible.

YOU have to know you can get free.

YOU have to trust it’ll be ok.

YOU have to form a mental image in your mind of the person you want to become – sober, calm, together, grounded, real, raw, recovered.

YOU have to have faith that you are going to become that person.

This belief that change is possible has to come from inside you. You are the only person who has the ability to change yourself, so you are the one who needs to really, truly believe that you can change things and get alcohol out of your life.

But I get how hard it is to believe this at first. I get how we are so conditioned to believe that life won’t be fun if we never share drinks with friends. I get how we are terrified that being sober all the time will make us a boring loser with nothing to offer. I get how imagining a life with no booze in it is like looking down a dark tunnel.

I get it because I felt that indescribable fear myself. It was utterly terrifying. But thankfully in amongst that fear I had a tiny kernel of belief that I could change myself and I could live alcohol free and things would be ok.

And luckily I decided to nurture that kernel and grow my belief that change was possible, rather than let the fear dominate and hold me back.

BELIEVE that you can do this. KNOW that thousands of people throughout time have gone before you on this path, facing down their fears, growing their HOPE and belief in change, and eventually reaching a magical place free from addiction. TRUST it will happen for you too.

It will. Just dig deep and believe it will. Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride, because getting sober is hard bloody work at first. But if you keep nurturing and growing your believe that change is possible, and stiffling that fear that it can never happen, and slowly – eventually – things will lift up for you.

Believe it. It’s true.

Love, Mrs D xxx

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