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Pineapple and Ginger Sparkler

May 15th, 2020 Drink of the Week

orange drink I got the juicer and the cocktail shaker out for the first time in a long while to make this drink. Getting a little bit fancy over here! It was a huge hit with all the family. You could buy pineapple juice and squeeze some fresh ginger through a cloth (or use a little dried ginger) if you don’t have a juicer.  


1 cup pineapple juice 1 tsp fresh ginger juice (from a big chunk of fresh ginger) Fizzy water Ice cubes  


Juice your pineapple (if using fresh) and ginger. Put a handful of ice cubes into a cocktail shaker or jar with a lid. Add the pineapple and ginger juice. Shake like crazy. Half fill a glass with your juice mixture and top up with fizzy water. Garnish with a slice of fresh lemon.   Enjoy!

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