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Lemon Iced Tea

October 14th, 2021 Drink of the Week

iced tea

I need to make iced tea more often! For some reason I’ve got a block about it being fiddly but it’s not – it’s super easy and really refreshing. You could make up a jug in the evening (or early morning) and have it in the fridge to drink throughout the following day. Try varying the ingredients to get a blend that suits your personal tastes – this is a lemony one I love.


1 large lemon, thinly sliced
1 small handful fresh lemon balm or mint
2 large spoonfuls honey or 1/2 cup sugar – to taste
1 teabag (I used English Breakfast but you could try any sort of black or green tea)
Boiling water


Combine all ingredients in a large jug and then pour boiling water over the top.
Leave to infuse until cool.
Serve in ice filled glasses.


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