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Yogurt Lassi

March 19th, 2018 Drink of the Week

This is ridiculously easy to make and incredibly delicious.  A little taste of India! There are many variations of this drink, but I’ve opted for a fairly simple version.

1 cup plain unsweetened yogurt
1/2 cup milk
5 ice cubes
1/2 tsp ground cardamom powder
2tsp sugar, agave or honey (to taste)
1 tsp rose water (optional)
Chopped pistachios or almonds

* Put the yogurt, milk, ice cubes, cardamom & rose water (if using) into a blender and blitz until the ice cubes have broken down and the blender is running smoothly.
* Pour lassi into a tumbler, sprinkle with a little more cardamom powder & garnish with chopped pistachios or almonds.



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