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Infused Waters

May 18th, 2022 Drink of the Week

Infused waters

I’ve  been experimenting with some infused waters lately. They’re fun to make, easy to drink and make you feel super healthy! Below are the 3 flavour combinations I tried, and at the bottom you’ll find even more ideas. The sky is the limit basically! It’s important to leave the concoction to steep overnight before drinking.

Version One: Fennel & Citrus

10 cups of water
Half a fennel bulb thinly sliced
1 lemon (squeeze the juice into the water first, then slice the lemon and add)
1 orange thinly sliced
12 fresh chopped mint leaves

Version Two: Lemon & Cucumber

10 cups of water
1/2 telegraph cucumber thinly sliced
1 lemon thinly sliced
1/4 cup finely chopped basil leaves
1/3 cup finely chopped mint leaves

Version Three: Blackberry & Sage

10 cups of water
1 cup blackberries slightly crushed (I used frozen)
6 – 8 sage leaves (twist them a bit to release the aroma)

Other ideas… (always with 10 cups water)

* 1 cup cubed watermelon + 2 rosemary stems

* 1 cup chopped pineapple + 12 chopped mint leaves

* 1 cup chopped apple + 2 cinnamon sticks

* 2 cups cooled ginger tea + 5 small chunks peeled fresh ginger

* 1 cup raspberries + 1 thinly sliced lime + 12 fresh chopped mint leaves

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