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Ginger Green Tea Mocktail

February 11th, 2015 Drink of the Week

I had some girlfriends over last night and made this in advance for all of us to enjoy. It was yummy – like a cool lemon, ginger & honey drink but with the added delicate flavour of the green tea. I would suggest topping it up with soda water when you serve to give it a bit of fizz and make it go further.

1.2 litres of water
100 g fresh ginger peeled and sliced
Big handful of fresh chopped mint
6 plain green tea bags
1/2 cup honey
Juice of 2 lemons

* Bring the ginger & water to boil in a medium saucepan
* Remove from the heat and add the mint and tea bags
* Allow to infuse for 20 minutes
* Strain the liquid into a large jug and add the honey and lemon juice, stirring to combine (it should still be warm enough to melt the honey)
* Refrigerate until required
* Serve with ice and fresh mint

And here is my friend Emma enjoying hers!


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